Sunday, November 30, 2008

How to...

Bingung cara pesennya?

Anyway..please message me at my email! or just ask via Shout Out Box yg ada di samping kanan halaman web. Ntar aku kasi no.HP aku :) 

*Harga belum termasuk ongkir
*Pengiriman barang via TIKI
*Pembayaran harus dilunasi sebelum barang diantar melalui transfer ke rek BCA

Thanks a lot darlingsss :D

Any question :

December 2008 Part II

The Foxy One
Golden Jade, IDR 35.000
Simply irresistible,isn't it?
I bet u'll like it :D 
mix and match it with ur Cocktail Dress!

Flawless White
Eve, IDR 40.000
Warna putihnya lembut, cocok buat kamu yang kalem :)))

So in Love  
En Amour, IDR 45.000
So lovely! and made with 
hehe :D

The 'It' Girl
Drama Queen, IDR 40.000
Electric-blue beadsnya nambahin kesan anggun, plus warna keemasan bikin glam!

Japanese Lady
Lady Tensha, IDR 75.000

December 2008 Part I

The Playful One!!
Manik-maniknya lucu bangettt! so colorful 'n unique!
 wear it with ur Summer tube dress ;)

Jealousy Red, IDR 35.000.
Warna electric bluenya glamour, 
dikombinasi sm manik merah tua yg sama glamournya =)

To The Dreamland
Dream of Me, IDR 55.000
Only one piece..grab it fastt babeee
gantungan bintang jatuhnya luucu! senada sama manik & kristalnya :)

Everyday is Summer
Blossom, IDR 45.000

Lil' Miss Cheerful ;)
Fantasista, IDR 110.000
Mix it with your Bohemian Dress.Purrrrrfect! :D

Hi there!! :D

Believes that accessories complete an outfit, a necessity for all girls and would love to create awareness to girls that ignores the importance of accessories. 
Therefore, SugarCube was born! An action to create an ease for all girls to search for their perfect accessories.

I create unique designs of wearable art which one can wear season after season. All jewelry are handcrafted using different colours, textures and beads. Of course, one-of-a-kind..and made with love! :)

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